February 26th, 2014
Mathilde ter Heine at SCHIRN
Mathilde ter Heijne
SCHIRN Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
Wednesday, February 26th 2014

Every last Wednesday in the month the SCHIRN has acted as a forum for national and inter­na­tional film and video artists. In dialogue with the SCHIRN cura­tors, inter­na­tional artists offer in-depth insights into their work and, more espe­cially, into their filmic inter­ests. DOUBLE FEATURE was designed as a plat­form presenting the extremely varied trends and forms of creative expres­sion in the produc­tion of art films and for the juxta­po­si­tion of familiar and not so familiar posi­tions.

The analysis and expo­sure of patri­ar­chal patterns of thought and power in society consti­tute a central theme in Mathilde ter Heijne’s works. She more­over pursues ways of preserving the knowl­edge of social minori­ties and passing them on. The video Lament, Song for Transitions (2010), for example, was produced on the basis of a mourning work­shop orga­nized by the artist in Suomen­linna, Helsinki, Finland, where a profes­sional singer gave instruc­tion in dirge-singing. The combi­na­tion of song and weeping is a means of coping with bereave­ment prac­tised by women all over the world . Its purpose is to help over­come trau­matic expe­ri­ences, link the past with the present and pave the way to the future. Born in Stras­bourg in 1969, the Dutch video and instal­la­tion artist studied art at the Stad­sacad­emie, Maas­tricht and the Rijk­sacadmie Amsterdam. She has been teaching at the Kunsthochschule in Kassel since 2011.