Januar 18th, 2018
Marcel Odenbach at Akademie der Künste Berlin

Colonial Repercussions
Marcel Odenbach – Im Schiffbruch nicht schwimmen können
Akademie der Künste, Berlin
January 26 — February 24, 2018

In Marcel Odenbach’s film Foundering and you can’t swim (Im Schiffbruch nicht schwimmen können, 2011) three Africans are sitting in the Louvre Museum in Paris and contemplate one of the museum’s most renowned paintings: The Raft of the Medusa by Théodore Géricault. The painting portrays one of these moments when humankind is thrown back to its pure, brutal and merciless will to survive: 15 of 174 remaining survivors of the noble French marine and colonial power, crazed, parched and starved 13 days adrift on a raft. They only survived by slaughtering mutineers, eating their dead companions and killing the weakest – and they moved forward.

further information: www.adk.de/en/programme